Working with us

We are building our team of passionate people who have a genuine desire to work in aquaculture.

How to apply

Look our for advertisements on or register with The Job Shop  for casual or short term positions.

Read this first

A career in aquaculture is challenging but rewarding. We recommend you ask yourself these questions before pursuing  a career with us or in the aquaculture industry:

  1. Do you like working outdoors?
  2. Are you fit, healthy and strong?
  3. Do you enjoy work that is physically demanding?
  4. Are you the sort of person who likes challenges and problem solving?
  5. Do you like working in, with and around water?
  6. Do you like diversity in the workplace?
  7. Do you like working with people from a diverse range of cultures and backgrounds?
  8. Do you have a positive “Can do” attitude?
  9. Are you relaxed working in an environment where you may be exposed to heat, insects and native wildlife?
  10. Do you like working with fish?

If you answer ‘No’ to any of these questions, then working at Humpty Doo Barramundi or in aquaculture may not be suitable for you.

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